I Repeat Technology

MemoNeet Team
Published in
4 min readMar 10, 2021


Technology is not just changing the way people interact with the world, it’s also changing the way scientists study human behavior and the brain. New technologies are allowing psychological scientists to take their research out of the lab and into the wild,” where theories can be tested in real-world settings. One of such things that embark human society is increasing memory using technology.

Memory and its types:

Memory is the superior (logical or intellectual) cognitive process that defines the temporal dimension of our mental organization. It is our ability to encode, store, retain, and then recall information and past experiences. It plays vital role in exams as it sets the base to retain the information we learned before, through which we can solve the problems posed in the exams.


Transforming information into a form that can be stored in memory.


Maintaining the encoded information in memory.


Re-accessing information from the past which has been encoded and stored.

Depending on the duration we contain information, it is divided into two parts namely,

  1. Short-term memory.
  2. Long-term memory.

Short-term memory is the capacity to hold small amounts of information in the brain. Long-term memory is a different type of memory in which you hold information in your brain from the past. Each of these types of memories is very important to us and a person can lose each type of memory for different reasons. The vicious information we try to store will rewire the neuron in different aspects. It will rewire itself into a normal stage after some period, which leads to forgetting the information. The neurological path will remain depending on the method of intake of information and the number of times we learn the same thing.

Forgetting Curve:

It a mathematical representation that ties the relationship between the memory (aka neurological path) and its retention. But without repetition, the memory will fade away after some time. A simple example is speaking, the neurological path will be retained as it is used in daily life. But in the case of remembering a complex equation, it will be forgotten as it is not required in daily routine.

But if we try to learn or remember the task in repetitive procedure in any way, the neurological path will be revived. In each recall, the neurological path is altered for a long duration. Each repetition in learning increases the optimum interval before the next repetition is needed. It changes the duration of how long we will remember. After some repetition of the task, the forgetting curve is elapsed.

Active Recall:

“Active recall is a principle of efficient learning, which claims the need to actively stimulate memory during the learning process. It contrasts with passive review, in which the learning material is processed passively (e.g. by reading, watching, etc.).

For example, reading a text about cricket, with no further action, is a passive review. Answering the question Who was the God of cricket? is active recall.”

Active recall is very efficient in consolidating long-term memory.”

Because you are attempting to remember the concept from scratch, the active recall has been proven to create stronger neuron connections for a particular memory topic. And our brain can more easily retain that topic.

Flashcards and I-Repeat technology:

Placards play an important role while teaching names to children. The things which are visually presented grab the attention of the mind easily, a simple one is flashing ads while web surfing. By creating a simple visual representation of the thing we try to learn, we can easily hypnotize the mind to create a strong neuron connection.

In this era of reduced human attention spans, flashcards work great for memory retention. You learn a piece of information and then read the question — trying to recall the answer — and then check if your answer was correct by flipping the card. So it’s not just the children who are enchanted with flashcards when they play their games, millennials find it incredibly engaging.

For long-span memory, the information has to be repeated. But the days of paper are over! Are Flashcards relevant in the electronic & mobile age? By the use of i-repeat technology, virtually created flashcards holding the right content of information intended, ordered in a sequence, will elongate the forgetting curve. With active recalling, it will reduce the number of repetitions. It becomes easy for remembering complex equations and terms, which will benefit most high school students.

