Making the Museum’s Vision Possible

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Memory & Action


Museum Chairman Howard M. Lorber —US Holocaust Memorial Museum

The Museum’s 25th anniversary event began with an announcement by Museum Chairman Howard M. Lorber: The Museum’s campaign would be extended to $1 billion by 2023 to support a bold vision to ensure the permanent relevance of Holocaust history for new generations everywhere. The $540 million campaign, launched five years earlier by then-honorary chairman Elie Wiesel, had exceeded all expectations. “Our success was made possible by dreaming big and being bold. Like our predecessors, we too must be big and bold. Complacency is never an option,” Lorber said. “Twenty-five years is only a beginning, and we are building an institution for the ages to keep Holocaust memory alive and at work in the world. Not only can we do this; we must do this. We owe the survivors and victims no less.”

Going Global

Extending the campaign to $1 billion will secure the resources to ensure that the Museum can remain relevant and responsive in a constantly changing world. “Twenty-five years ago we aspired to reach every part of America,” explained Allan M. Holt, Museum vice chairman. “Today, with the rising tide of denial, antisemitism, and extremism and continued threats of genocide, our message can and must span the globe.”

During this final phase, funds raised will enable the institution to:

CREATE greater Holocaust awareness globally
BUILD the fully accessible collection of record
SECURE the permanence and vitality of Holocaust studies
REIMAGINE Holocaust education for emerging adults and leaders
BUILD a global architecture aimed at confronting Holocaust denial and state-sponsored antisemitism and preventing and responding to genocide and other mass atrocities

Campaign by the Numbers

$726 million

Total campaign gifts raised to date. Meeting its original $540 million goal 18 months ahead of schedule, Museum leaders have extended the goal to $1 BILLION by the Museum’s 30th anniversary in 2023.

100% Increase

The campaign doubled the size of the Museum’s endowment to help secure the future.


Number of campaign supporters nationwide, who made gifts ranging from a few dollars

This article was first published in summer 2018.

