about memory bank

Electra Chong
memory bank
Published in
1 min readJun 18, 2017

This project was inspired by Jean Hsu’s 100 Days of Memories project. If you haven’t checked out her writing, you should! Her stories are funny, endearing and relatable all at the same time.

Reading about Jean’s memories made me feel an impulse to similarly log down some of my own. Memories are really strange. I feel like the brain is just one big archive which gathers sensory and emotional details during an experience and stashes them away, leaving them to gather dust until you decide you ought to retrieve them.

Until you remember a memory, it’s almost like you’ve essentially forgotten that experience. And even the act of remembering is so transient. Once you’re done, back into the dusty bins they go, leaving you with only the vaguest wisps of what happened in the past.

There are so many memories I’d like to retain and cherish after only 20 years of gathering experiences, but they also seem to weigh my mind down like mental clutter. Maybe recording those memories will give them a more permanent form, freeing my brain to make space for new memories. Ha, ha.

Anyway, my goal is similarly to log at least 100 memories, not necessarily each day or every week, so I felt like following the format of the 100 Days of Memories project would help me keep track of how many memories I’ve written down as I go. Wish me luck!



Electra Chong
memory bank

Software eng @grovecollab. I like art, rpgs, sci-fi/fantasy & josei manga! V●ᴥ●V @scrippscollege ’15, @holbertonschool ‘18.