5 Cognitive Biases That Supports Your Negative Behavior

Memory Changer
Published in
4 min readJul 13, 2017

Cognitive biases are human tendencies to tap into a particular mindset that leads to some methodological deviations from the “norms” of rationality or judgement.

Notice that I placed quotation marks on the word norms in the previous statement. The reason behind this is because the standards of each person is relative to the culture and environment in which he lives. Meaning, a person living in Europe will definitely have major differences in terms of cognitive biases to a person who is living in the United States.

That being said, I would like to emphasize only on some general cognitive biases that are usually found across nations and cultures.

Cognitive biases affect our ability to make sound judgment. In times of stress, cognitive biases are obviously powering not only our decision making but the negative mindsets producing equally negative behavior.

Let us go ahead and discuss them one by one. At the end of this post I will present a technique that can help you collapse the structure of negative biases and create better neural pathways create your best life.

1. Anchoring Bias

Most of us consider ourselves great judge of personality and character of others. Which is very wrong in so many aspects if you do not scrape beyond the surface, if you ask me.

Notice that people who claims to be good at deciphering characters of others are actually great practitioners of anchoring bias. We all have the tendency to be over-reliant on first impressions.

Surprisingly our minds tap into this function not only to keep us safe or recognize possible danger. We are expertly doing it when interacting with others and in innumerable situations.

Related Post: How Our Memories Shape Us — Our Identities and Cultures

Our over-reliance to the first piece of information may cause us to not make a sound decision and distort genuine reality.

The best way to resolve anchoring bias is to locate the memory that produces it. How to do that?

Find out here.

2. Availability Heuristic

This cognitive bias is when overestimating the value of an information based only from a single source. One good example is found obvious in cases of arguments over illnesses caused by bad lifestyle.

Let us say alcoholism, for example.

One might argue about the negative effects of alcohol because of a single story they heard or read about it. Why and how does this happen?

If a story is well imprinted in the mind, every single time the mind requires reasoning over a related topic, this cognitive bias may support responses reinforcing a negative or toxic belief.

Mindsets are malleable in nature and any memory or imprint causing availability heuristic can be changed. Want to know more? Click here.

3. Bandwagon Effect

We are by default often relying on volume. “The more, the merrier!” says the old adage.

And we do this by default. Our subconscious programming to choose without any other reason besides the fact that there are many who did is not actually always good.

Bandwagon effect is a cognitive bias that can dilute your authenticity. No wonder there are many people who experience great crises on character and personality these days.

4. Clustering Illusions

Our tendency to recognize patterns is what makes us among the highly intelligent creatures of this planet. But the very same instinct can cause trouble.

Related Post: 7 Powerful Ways To Organize the Mind

When we cluster patterns because it is bound to deceptive thoughts in order to feel better or when over-indulging on an idea that supports our confirmation bias, it can become a difficult mindset to collapse.

One of the best example is gambling fallacies. There is this idea that when black cards begin to show up, that a string of black is more likely to occur. Sometimes, we do this with almost anything and everything. Say, when a bad thing happens in the morning, we cluster illusions that supports the idea of that day being bad luck.

5. Conservation Bias

We favor many information that are often obviously false.


Because we attach value to memories in the storing and retrieval process. For example, you were told things that made you fear water. You may grow up not only unable to swim but also fear anything that has to do with it simply because your mind was formatted this way by others.

Since fear may have been introduced by someone dear to you. You may cling on these beliefs, even when you are aware of other evidence that supports the truth.

Destroying Cognitive Biases

To destroy conservation bias mindsets, you must dig into the subconscious to release the memories that appraise its value. These memories can be rewritten to lose its significance.

hanging memories is not always invasive. In fact, the technique I use in healing and life coaching is very gentle and only using stimulation of meridian points.

In many cases, results can be quick. Find out why and how to change bad memories and begin your journey in overcoming cognitive biases that supports your negative behavior.

Click here to download eBook.

Originally published at memorychanger.com on July 13, 2017.



Memory Changer

Life Coach | Memory Changer | Love helping you to release whatever it is that's holding you back to achieve what you want in life & Business