How To Hack Your Memory With The Major System

Memory Evolve
Published in
9 min readFeb 25, 2021


This article is for you if…

  • You’re looking to impress your friends by being able to do things like recite 100 digits of pi backwards and forwards…
  • You want to better manage information overload…
  • You want to achieve more with your time…

You can do these things by learning a powerful memory system called the major system that will help you learn how to memorize massive amounts of information in any order.

I first discovered this technique years ago as a struggling English teacher, and it helped me reclaim my life from information overload. As an added bonus, I used it to memorize the periodic table of elements, the U.S. presidents in any order, 300 digits of pi, and all sorts of stuff.

Anyone can learn how to do this, and the best part is that it’s easy once you learn how to do it.

What Is The Major System Exactly?

The origin of the major system technique is disputed, but we know that it goes back hundreds of years at least. You may have heard of Darren Brown, the famous magician. He uses this system to sometimes wow his audience by performing incredible feats of memory.



Memory Evolve

Matthew is a brain coach who created the Word God System at He’s known for his love of trees, but is also crazy about knowledge.