KubeCon Leaves Its Mark on Copenhagen

Astasia Myers
Memory Leak
Published in
2 min readMay 7, 2018

Cloud-native technologies continue to grow in popularity and last week Copenhagen, Denmark hosted one of the community’s largest events, KubeCon Europe. Attendance increased to +4,300 people from ~4,000 at KubeCon Austin in December 2017, up ~8% over the past six months. As long-time investors in the DevOps space, we wanted to highlight key announcements across the data management, Kubernetes, services mesh, and serverless domains.

Data Management:

· StorageOS stated the GA of SDS platform

· Upbound announced $9M in Series A funding from GV


· DigitalOcean announced its Kubernetes platform

· Red Hat launched Kubernetes Operator Framework project

· Oracle reported new features for its Kubernetes offering including IAM

· Google announced the release of version 0.1 of Kubeflow, its open source tool to make deployments of ML on Kubernetes simpler; the beta release of Stackdriver Kubernetes Monitoring; and open sourced gVisor, a sandboxed container runtime

Service Mesh:

· Buoyant released v1.0 of LinkerD, the open source service mesh

· Datawire announced Ambassador v0.32, which now includes support for shadow traffic, which is when production traffic is mirrored to another service


· Redpoint Ventures and CNCF authored a new serverless cloud native landscape that includes 55 solutions across four categories

· Bitnami released Kubeless v1.0, its installable FaaS platform

· Oracle Fn Project now supports standards-based projects CloudEvents and the Serverless Framework

· Iguazio released the enterprise version of Nuclio, its open-source serverless framework

· The CNCF Serverless Working Group revealed CloudEvents v0.1, a draft specification for describing event data in a common way



Astasia Myers
Memory Leak

General Partner @ Felicis, previously Investor @ Redpoint Ventures, Quiet Capital, and Cisco Investments