The Tiber River Valley: Valtiberina in Tuscany

Jessica Carlini
Memory Route
Published in
3 min readMay 28, 2017
Tiber River, ph. Luigi Burroni

Can you imagine how important was the Tiber River in this part of Tuscany? It was life and it continues to be.
Can you imagine your feelings walking through this Valley, discovering paths, church and lost railway?

That’s the Tiber River Valley experience!

Outside Pieve Santo Stefano and Anghiari, Nature is the protagonist, but it has been softened by Man since history has populated the surrounding territories. From Pieve Santo Stefano, people could reach Anghiari through an old road that today crosses the lake of Montedoglio. A breathtaking landscape where you could find peace.

Now a tract of the Tevere below the Montedoglio dyke is a Protected Natural Area. The vegetation that has developed here is an important element of environmental diversity and for some years now has resulted in regular visits by different bird species.

Montedoglio Lake, ph. Luigi Burroni

On this plain there are still traces of the Central Appennine Railway which connected Arezzo with Fossato di Vico. It wasn’t a fast train, to cover 61 km the journey took almost three hours! It was a mixed train: people and goods together travelling from Città di Castello to Arezzo. This railway remained active until 18th June 1944 when connections were suspended because of bombing caused by the war front. Anghiari was one of this station and still now there are bridges and tunnels. Right now this lost railway is a country road where you can ride a bike or walk discovering a rural world in an unchanged landscape that inspires a desire for simplicity.

Old station near Anghiari, pic by Silvia Boncompagni

In the Anghiari plain you have the chance to visit the Santa Maria alla Vittoria Chapel that since 1441 commemorates the place where the Battle took place.

Santa Maria alla Vittoria Chapel, Anghiari. Pic by Gabriele Mazzi

These suggestions are only some tips to discover this hidden part of Tuscany where you can do digital detox reconnecting yourself with the energy of Nature or just walking in an unchanged landscape tasting great food and good wine.

This Valley is the balance between human activity and nature that makes these places unique and at the same time highly stimulating.

Thanks to Gabriele Mazzi and his researches about Anghiari and the Valtiberina.

You can visit Anghiari and the Tiber River Valley:

This work was made possible also thanks to the amazing help in proofreading by Ann Game, Emeritus Professor @ School of Social Sciences, University of New South Wales Sydney, Australia.

