11 Emerging Principles of the Digital Economy

#7. Labor Arbitrage — Work from home policies will allow us to earn more and spend less by empowering workers to live anywhere.

Doug Antin
Memos Of The Future


Photo by Philip Strong on Unsplash

The world is entering a digital renaissance. This new age is characterized by new technologies that empower us to immerse ourselves deeply into digital life. The internet, smartphones, and other technologies are converging to create new methods of self-expression and ways of interacting digitally. As a result, the Information Age has started to come alive, forming a robust and globalized digital economy.

Here are 11 important and emerging principles of the digital economy and how they will impact your life.

1. Content Is King, Influence is Power

It’s rare to interact online these days without interacting with a social media platform. These platforms are elaborate systems that leverage network effects to connect large groups of people. Ie: they grow in value as more people join the network. Understanding the power of network effects is an essential part of the global digital renaissance.

Social platforms and their network effects are moving the digital universe towards a model of User-Generated Content(UGC). Users add content to the…

