5G — What You Need To Know

If you build it, they will come.

Doug Antin
Memos Of The Future


The 5G mobile network is going to revolutionize and provide access to future technologies and business models. However, 5G is not going to create a considerable impact on the consumer in the near term. 5G will prove to be an important network rollout that won't yield meaningful results until the back half of the 2020 decade.

Like previous generations, expect 5G’s value to deliver societal level changes.

This essay covers a brief history of each mobile network generation followed by an introduction into the value of the 5G network. In showing what the network can do, expect to gain an understanding of the hype and realities behind the enhanced mobile network rolling out in the 2020 decade.

If you watch the TV ads, you’d think that 5G is the future come early. Verizon, T-Mobile, and AT&T are in an arms race to deliver the next best mobile network to consumers. The hype surrounding 5G includes promises made by vendors, the geopolitical theatre between the US

