Adapting Education to the Digital Age

Network Effects — Compound Growth — Game Theory

Doug Antin
Memos Of The Future


Photo by Susan Yin on Unsplash

There is a clear gap between the skills we need and the skills we are taught in standardized education. As a society, we haven’t updated education curriculums to include network effects, exponential growth, and compounding information.

Human life is becoming increasingly more digital and we are now seeing the creation of the Digital Citizen. The increase in digital life raises the importance of understanding topics relevant to our daily lives.

You can no longer afford to be ignorant of these fields. Each subsequent generation enters the world and becomes digitally native and compounds the problems of this knowledge gap.

Here’s a look at a current event example of why these fundamental skills must be taught to everyone.

Why network effects and compounding are important

Coronavirus is wreaking havoc throughout the world and is showing real signs that it will become a pandemic. Regardless of the impact, it’s clear that as the viral outbreak expands, fear of contagion will spread quickly with a disproportionate amount of people waiting until it’s too late to take precautions.

As 1st world societies approach…

