How Tech Will Evolve After A Pandemic

A coronavirus pandemic will expedite the development of new technologies

Doug Antin
Memos Of The Future


Coronavirus is wreaking havoc throughout the world and is showing real signs that it will become a pandemic. Regardless of the total impact, it’s clear that as the viral outbreak expands, fear of contagion will push society towards change. This fear will lead to a reassessment of the tradeoffs associated with the implementation of many future technologies.

Below are several examples of tech that will be adopted as a direct result of the coronavirus outbreak. Most of these technologies are already on the path towards adoption but the global outbreak will result in an expedited rollout.


Most people prefer a doctor with a personal touch and a more active, hands-on approach. But the recent outbreak will force a wide-scale re-evaluation of the reasons we seek medical advice. In place of a visit to a primary care vision, a walk-in clinic or an emergency room, society will look to telemedicine for quick diagnostic evaluations.

Doctor’s offices and ER’s are breeding grounds for an outbreak. Because of this, the use of telemedicine will increase in the short to medium term in order to minimize patient exposure to infected populations.

