How to Increase Your Audience Reading Time

How to format your content for user readability with actionable insights that fix real problems.

Doug Antin
Memos Of The Future


Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash

Here’s a truth that lies in the back of every creator’s mind: no one cares what you have to say. What they care about are the things that impact their lives.

Your content can be thought of as an exchange of value. The audience trades you their time and attention for useful pieces of information. Even when they do care about the topic, an audience will rarely be interested in everything you have to say.

Only by respecting the reader’s time and their perspective can you maximize the value exchange.

The bottom line: Answer the questions — what is it the reader wants from this article and how would they best receive or read it? Through these answers, you can break your article into clear and specific value segments to maximize potential reading time.

Here are the main points and how you can make the most of them.

Focus on Why Should the Reader Care

Most people don’t care how something works, they care why it matters to them. As a writer, you cant only focus on what you’re trying to convey to your reader. You also have to provide why they care…

