The Technology of Aging - How to Live a Longer Life

What impacts the average human life expectancy and the tech that’s helping us live longer

Doug Antin
Memos Of The Future


Photo by Glen Hodson on Unsplash

The key to a long life is understanding how to overcome diseases. Improvements in sanitation, education, affordable housing and developments in medical treatments have helped increase the average human life expectancy. A person born in the US in 2017 is expected to live to an average age of 78.6 years old.

These recent improvements to life expectancy have come as a result of societal-level changes.

Today, technology allows us to optimize our health on an individual basis improving personal life expectancy.

We now have affordable access to diagnostic tools such as gene sequencing and wearable health-tracking devices. We use diagnostic tools to inform decision-making practices on an individual healthcare basis. What you eat, the impact of your exercise, your sleep, and the your predisposition to disease can all be tracked using technology.

In the short term, these enhanced diagnostic tools make it possible to create proactive treatments to prevent diseases. In the long term, technologies such as CRISPR gene editing treatments and therapies…

