Using Human-Centered Design in the Lebanon Crisis response plan

How can design be used to find innovative and human-centered solutions to the waste management crisis in Lebanon? The UNDP launched a project with local teams to find out.

Dima Boulad
MENA Design Research Center
4 min readFeb 25, 2020


[Article 1/3 on the Human-Centered Design in the Lebanon Crisis response plan project with UNDP Lebanon]

The field of design is quickly growing from mere visual representations and artifacts to more strategic processes. Today, organizations are adopting design and innovation as a process to unlock insights and to engage stakeholders to solve complex problems. In early 2019, the UNDP, in partnership with the Inter-Agency Coordination, initiated a project to introduce a human-centered design approach to find solutions for the waste crisis in Lebanon. Field officers then went to the four corners of Lebanon to reach motivated Syrian and Lebanese participants. Between March and June 2019, forty teams underwent intensive Design Thinking workshops to examine, understand, and propose innovative solutions for solid waste management in Lebanon. The teams were led through a rigorous process to come up with human-centered and needs-based solutions. They used exploratory and evaluative design research tools and methods to map issues and existing solutions, build personas, and design context-specific proposals to present at the Pitch Day.

MENA DRC was a partner in coaching teams on their presentations

Why Human-Centered Design?

The term “human-centered systems” was first coined by Mike Cooley in his book Architect or Bee. It proposed thinking about human involvement as belonging to the system solution. By creating archetypal personas and other tools, the human-centered design ensures that the right problem is defined and that the solution works for the people who need it most. It achieves this by involving them in all steps of the process. Design Thinking helped the teams frame their solutions by making sure solutions are desirable in the Lebanese market, technologically feasible, and viable from a business standpoint.

The three winning teams on Demo day

Three Winners on Pitch Day

On June 27th, the eight finalist teams presented their ideas in front of a jury composed of members specialized in waste management, human-centered design, and development work. Teams were asked to present their evidence-based research and to pitch their local solution, their implementation plan, and the budget necessary to build their prototype. MENA Design Research Center was a partner in the program, coaching teams on how to deliver a concise and structured pitch. After the jury deliberation, three teams were picked as finalists:

Team #1
The Schools District Project

This team proposed tackling the danger and repercussions of the pollution of the Litani River, which is caused by unnecessary dumping of waste in the river. The team wants to bring different communities together using a positive-thinking approach and building an awareness-raising campaign with the local youth from five neighboring schools to tackle each of the four sustainability Rs through events. (Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)

Team #2
Project Hamida

The second team focused on bringing upcycling culture to the women of a refugee camp in Barr Elias. In the absence of proper waste management, people are forced to throw their trash in the neighboring dumps. Project Hamida is proposing to raise awareness on the importance of up-cycling and how that can eventually bring financial returns to the women of the camp. By training women to sort and up-cycle their waste, the team aims to bring a possible livelihood to refugees by organizing events and fairs to showcase their creations.

Team #3
Project Ziad

The corniche by the sea in Saida suffers from garbage dumping. This is due, in part, to restaurants who dump trash into the sea when shifts end at midnight. Amid the waste management crisis in Lebanon, the city of Saida was fortunate to have good recycling plants, so the team proposed to take that opportunity to act as a liaison between the restaurants and the recycling plant by partnering up and incentivizing waste sorting for Syrian workers in the restaurants.

Brainstorming system design and objectives

Prototyping for Eight Weeks

As a partner in the project, MENA Design Research Center’s role was to embed design methodologies and mindsets into the teams and to create a strategic plan to build their prototypes over eight weeks within the budget. As we met with each team, the excitement from their recent win was evident, but they also knew real work on the ground was just beginning. They had eight weeks to test and prove the viability of their work, and to figure out metrics to measure their success and report it back. As ideas were different in approach and systems, we identified together with the possible expertise needed, which could be brought to the teams, as well as figured out possible challenges and how we can design for them.

Working on the Prototyping plan with Project Hamida

