Artificial Intelligence and Marketing: How to Take Advantage of It by Prissly Mena

Artificial Intelligence and Marketing: How to Take Advantage of It

Prissly Mena
Menapoly Marketing Medley
5 min readJan 8, 2022


Artificial intelligence or AI has started to change many aspects of life, and marketing is definitely no exception. In fact, thanks to AI, today it’s possible to reach and engage with many more customers than ever before, cutting down on marketing costs as well as boosting sales exponentially. So, if you’re looking to take advantage of this technology in your own business, here are some great ways to do so.

So, What Exactly IS Machine Learning?
Machine learning is defined as: “a form of artificial intelligence (AI) that allows computers to learn without being explicitly programmed”. In practice, it doesn’t sound very impressive. As most people will tell you, their computer can already learn anything — because it remembers them and all their web history after all. But in reality, machine learning goes far beyond what your laptop or computer can do. While AI was previously limited to specific tasks that were hard-coded into a program by an expert programmer, machine learning can now enable systems to solve problems based on patterns in data that have previously been recorded. The importance of programming is fading as computers learn how to solve complex issues on their own based on information they are given access to, kind of like SkyNet (hmmm..?).



Prissly Mena
Menapoly Marketing Medley

A growing Digital Marketer who writes about anime, marketing, and more. Using words as my canvas. 👩🏽‍🎨