Hosho Audits Menlo One Smart Contract with ZERO Vulnerabilities

Menlo One Team
Menlo One Blog
Published in
1 min readAug 14, 2018

Hosho, a premier blockchain security firm with more than 100 security audits, audited Menlo One’s smart contract recently and publicly announced that they found zero critical flaws in our smart contract. Read the entire audit post here.

Our audit by Hosho found not only zero critical flaws but a “rare” smart contract “free of any vulnerabilities.” Hosho’s own stats indicate one-third of all smart contracts have critical vulnerabilities and nearly two-third have a security vulnerability discovered during an audit.

The Menlo One development team is thrilled to be recognized for prioritizing our security and promoting secure blockchain code. Security has been one of the hallmarks of our development priorities as we build a framework for building decentralized applications.

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