Launching Enterprise Support

Menlo One
Menlo One Blog
Published in
2 min readJul 21, 2019

In the months following the last major release of the Menlo framework we’ve been focused on helping teams implement Menlo in their projects. Directly supporting teams has allowed us to not just help them with the technical implementation of Menlo but also allowed us to build a relationship, learn more about their project, and advise them on overall systems architecture.

To ensure teams get the support they need, we’re happy to announce that Menlo will begin offering premium support. Of course developers can get questions answered for free by community members, but offering premium support will allow us to scale support to ensure that teams who need to move fast get questions get answered quickly can.

We offer three types of support:

  • Production Technical Support: If your team needs support in developing a Menlo dApp, you can rely on expertise from the source as our customer success and engineering teams can assist with your development and operations challenges. We offer a subscription of 8 support cases per month.
  • Enterprise Technical Support: The same as Production support, except priced for bigger teams. We also offer a free Architecture Consulting session as part of this tier.
  • Architecture Consulting: We offer full day sessions with Menlo staff to go over application design, specific implementation questions, and other areas of interest. Designed for helping customers with the bigger picture and is priced by the day.

We hope to not just help the teams using Menlo, but we want to build a relationship with you. Our aim is to not just be a service provider, but your partner in helping you build great dApps.

For more information please see

