How not to land an orbital rocket booster?

Men of Persia
Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2017

This is the most expensive blooper reel ever created!

Always find a reason to laugh!And,we love this attitude of Space X.Elon Musk has released video of bloopers that show his company’s rockets exploding over land and sea.When you think SpaceX, your first thought might be the future of spaceflight or a pipedream. But no matter what your opinion of the tech giant owned by Elon Musk, even you’ll enjoy this blooper reel.

In a tweet Thursday morning, Musk said, “Long road to reusability of Falcon 9 primary boost stage…When upper stage & fairing also reusable, costs will drop by a factor >100” and included video titled “How not to land an orbital rocket booster.”

Titled ‘how NOT to land an orbital rocket booster’, the video is described as showing “the sordid history of how the SpaceX Falcon 9, the first fully reusable, orbit-class booster rocket”.

Likely the most expensive blooper reel ever created, each Falcon 9 rocket has a commercial list price of $62M.

The first successful rocket landing by SpaceX was in December 2015. The video, however, shows unsuccessful landings from as recently as 2016.Since December 2015, SpaceX has landed 16 rockets on either land or moving platforms at sea.The company spent at least $1 billion developing the technology to land and refly its rockets and aims to recoup its investment in the next year or so, Musk had said.The boosters are expected to be able to fly 10 times with no refurbishment and about 100 times with moderate reconditioning, though the one launched Thursday will be donated to the Cape Canaveral Spaceport for display, he added.

SpaceX also is working on a passenger spaceship, with two unidentified tourists signed up for a future trip around the moon. The company’s long-term goal under Musk is to establish a colony on Mars and ferry people and cargo back and forth between the planets.

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