Oh!You beard,you lousy F**king beard

Men of Persia
Published in
5 min readSep 23, 2017

“He that hath a beard is more than a youth, and he that hath no beard is less than a man” William Shakespeare.

Beards have variously been held to signal sexual potency, instill fear in enemies, and ward off germs. So why do we keep falling in and out of love with them?

According to the US psychologist Robert Pellegrini, “the male beard communicates an heroic image of the independent, sturdy, and resourceful pioneer, ready, willing and able to do manly things”. He claims that “inside every clean-shaven man there is a beard screaming to be let out”. It could have been written this week but was actually part of his study of beard trends of 1973.

Beards are having a moment. Quite a long moment, as it turns out. Even since summer 2013, when the idea of peak beard was first put forward, this current beard trend has endured. Depending on your point of view, the history of beards could in fact be seen as a succession of moments. What is happening today is merely the latest in a long line of men’s rocky relationships with facial hair. Sometimes beards are in, sometimes moustaches, less often sideburns and whiskers, and sometimes nothing at all. The difference is that, in the past, the trends lasted for decades, not months. So what is it about the beard that has proved both so enduring and so divisive?

Beards have long been linked to the ways that men feel about themselves at any given point in time. Whilst we all like to think of ourselves as individuals, wearing a beard — or indeed not — is generally influenced by a number of factors, and involves conscious decisions. The beard, for example, was once portrayed as an outward symbol of inner male characteristics. In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, beliefs in the four bodily humours meant that beards were regarded as a form of bodily waste. In fact, facial hair was seen as the result of heat rising out of the ‘reins’ — the area that included the genitals! To have a thick beard suggested that lots was going on down there and, therefore, the beard was considered a reliable marker of virility and sexual potency.

The eighteenth century, by contrast, was almost entirely clean-shaven. For some reason (and it’s not entirely clear why) beards fell dramatically from favour. After decades, centuries perhaps, of beardedness, the new model man was smooth-cheeked and sensuous. This was the age of dandies, fops and massive wigs. It was also the first point in time that men began to shave themselves rather than go to a barber, aided by the invention of new, sharper types of steel razor.

Not all were happy though. In 1789, when beards were at their lowest ebb, a book called Pogonologia was a lone voice in the darkness. It listed bearded heroes through history, and claimed that the ‘revolution against beards’ (note the date!) had nearly ended. “You pretty fellows of the present day, Jeremy Jessamy parsons, jolly bucks, and all you with smock faces and weak nerves be dumb with astonishment. I foretell it, you will soon resemble men”. That told them.

ometimes beard trends occur at times when masculinity has appeared to be under threat. In the mid-nineteenth century, Victorian men were faced by a range of new challenges. On the one hand was the need to adapt to working environments, as massive firms imposed new corporate hierarchies and structures. Perhaps more importantly, though, women were beginning to find a voice and to offer a raft of entirely logical arguments against their continued subjection. How did men respond? By cultivating massive beards! A range of new books emerged telling men that beards were the ultimate, natural male accoutrement. The reason that men, not women were bearded, argued the authors of books like Why Shave?, was that God had given men beards to demonstrate their superiority.

New bearded heroes appeared, from rugged explorers and hunters to prominent politicians and philosophers. Medical reasons for beard wearing were even put forward. In a period obsessed with eradicating germs, some doctors argued that beards filtered out germs before they could get into the nose or throat. A beard became a protector of men.

In nineteenth and early-twentieth century military circles, the moustache was a mark of the fighting man. Burly, mustachioed recruits were often placed deliberately at the front of marching columns to instill fear into enemies. In fact, until 1916, British soldiers were required by regulation to wear a moustache, until Sir Neville Macready, who hated his moustache, repealed the order.

The twentieth century also saw beards, moustaches and whiskers become more fleeting and transient. In the 60s beards were a symbol of dropping out from society; by the 70s even the ‘Joy of Sex’ man had a fulsome crop of facial hair! Celebrity culture has played a part, even since the 1920s, and the internet has almost certainly amplified this. But the emulation of heroes, whether Tudor monarchs or modern day movie stars, has remained a constant motivation.

How long this current beard trend will last, and indeed also what lies behind it, is difficult to say. Perhaps masculinity is under threat now, from changing gender, sexual and emotional boundaries, and the pressures of modern life. It has already outlasted many over the past couple of decades. But however long it is, it will be merely another in a long line of facial hair fashions that have come and gone through time. We can’t avoid it; the way men see themselves at any given point is plainly written on their face.

Got a beard or thinking of growing one?@menofpersia, we got some excellent supplies to nurture your beard.Here are some to get you started.

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