Rare images of Muhamad Ali

Men of Persia
Published in
2 min readSep 24, 2017

‘This man had two moods — he could be extremely friendly and funny, but he could also be a monster!

Source @theguardian.com

In 1966, working for Germany’s Stern magazine, Thomas Hoepker was asked to photograph Muhammad Ali. Hoepker flew to meet Ali in London, and later in the year to the US. He followed the boxing star for days, capturing a range of poses — and moods.

During that shoot, Hoepker captured what he feels to be one of his greatest shots — an iconic image of the world boxing champion showing off his right fist.

“I had two pictures, and these were the best pictures I ever took of him.”

Hoepker became a full member of Magnum in 1989. Here, he talks about taking that iconic shot — and more intimate images of Ali.

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