Menopause Myths You Should Stop Believing

Liz Seegert
Menopause Matters
Published in
4 min readSep 18, 2023


Women’s health experts put the kibosh on common misconceptions

female doctor consulting with mid-life woman showing her something on a clipboard or chart
Image by Freepik

By the time your reach your mid-40s, you’re likely already starting to experience the menagerie of symptoms that crop up during the march to menopause. More than one million women in the U.S. hit this milestone each year. But misconceptions about menopause abound.

“Women get information about menopause online and from their friends and family. Some of it is accurate, but some of it needs tweaking,” says Samantha M. Dunham, MD, co-director at the Center for Midlife Health and Menopause, part of obstetrics and gynecology services at NYU Langone.

It’s the myths about menopause that Dr. Dunham and her colleague and co-director, Laurie S. Jeffers, NP, DNP, are out to dispel. Here are menopause myths they recommend people stop believing — and truths to start passing along:

Myth: There’s No Such Thing as a Menopause Doctor

There are doctors and nurse practitioners who specialize in menopause treatment, and they have the training to prove it. Look for menopause practitioners credentialed by The Menopause Society (formerly the North American Menopause Society). These providers have the specialty training to manage menopausal health and the symptoms that affect about 80% percent of women…



Liz Seegert
Menopause Matters

Independent health journalist, writing about aging, boomers, policy, women's health, wellness.