A New Chapter

Julius Kiting'ati
Mens’ Reading Hub
2 min readApr 4, 2021

It’s a bright new day, the heavens have opened and received Messiah Jesus Christ. With this, our sins are washed away and we are made new. For the past 40 days, we took back the memories, we recalled the events, we recited the acts. It’s such a journey that unlocks our spiritual realm to appreciate true love. True love that trickles down our lives each day as we breathe!

Historically, it was prophesized that the son of man will be crucified and then hanged on a tree and on the third dayBut he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes, we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5

Let your heart appreciate the day, your mind thinks of the blessing, and your mouth utter Hallelujah! Because we are new. Today is another day that you start a journey of TRUTH, LOVE, and PASSION. As Christians we are faced with unprecedented challenges in our daily lives, maybe it’s the broken relationship, the lost business, the burnt communication, the provocative boss e.t.c we are always in motion, but when the ladies (Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Mary the mother of James) went to the tomb and an angel appeared to them telling them that he has risen from the dead “He is not here, but he has risen “- Luke 24:6 it’s a new chapter that has appeared in our lives.

Take a step now and wear the confidence of being new as a whole. Do you know how it feels to use something new? maybe a car, phone, office or a house. You feel the control, you feel the parts, you feel the freshness of the paint, you feel everything new. That’s the challenge that we are given on this holy day! Let’s live our lives in fresh and new possibilities every day, every time.

Have a blessed Easter filled with joy and peace 🕊️



Julius Kiting'ati
Mens’ Reading Hub
Writer for

A visionary leader , Start-up enthusiast and Serial Entrepreneur from Africa. I challenge the basic business models to produce extraordinary results.