Brian Frank
Mens’ Reading Hub
3 min readApr 26, 2021

Blue Does Not Fit You Anymore.

Probably the first Monday at work, in January. I know how it feels, gloomy and dispirited after a very long holiday, now you’re stuck at the table.
Some of us feel that way every Monday, now that’s a BLUE MONDAY.

But how happier do you feel on Fridays?
I can't lie, I love Friday more than Saturday!!!

Now I’m writing this, at the middle of the week, and in a good working spirit. I figured to remove BLUE MONDAY on my life dictionary.

I figured to feel Friday on Monday and work tirelessly in my lane. Now, this is the purpose, something that you've got a passion to do.

Purpose is your passionate career. Many of us, work on the careers that we are not passionate about, but we earn, that’s fine but also the whole week is BLUE!!!
I encourage you to work even more in that office because you make an impact, and that’s why you get paid. But it should not be a reason to create your own passionate career. Your technician at your office should not limit you to be an entrepreneur. Because that’s what makes your world.

Research taken by Nurse Bronnie Ware whose work was to give hope to patients who are at the last stages of their life(death), for more than 12 years she recorded things that most of the patients regret on the last days of their lives and this is what most said…

1. I wish I could live the life I wanted and not what people wanted me to live.
2. I wish I could choose happiness among all.

We are all going to be next patients at Bronnies Hospital, probably not at hers exactly but somewhere someday.

Here is how you can work on these corridors,

1. Do not limit yourself, explore and find what your passionate to do and start doing it.

2. Get excited to discover yourself. Your strength and weaknesses and be happy when you discover the new you.

3. Never stop learning. Take a learning lesson online, or physically if you can manage your schedule. Create a habit to read books.

4. Do not be disappointed by anyone it’s fine to create your own lane. You were born alone and naked, now don’t feel ashamed some people knew who you’re long before you discovered yourself.

5. If you don’t know what your passionate about doing, the best way is to try, try to practice entrepreneurship, try to draw, try to sing, try to write articles. Trust me you will fall on something good.

6. Ask your friends to tell you what they think is your strength apart from your comfort zone. Get many answers to compile but make sure they do not discourage you. They may not know you better than you do. (Emphasis added).

7. Most of all ask your creator. He knows you inside-out better than anyone.

Be your own boss. Make an impact. Leave a mark on your society. The time is now.

Forget about blue Monday anymore. Make a Monday of your own color!!!. Blue does not fit you anymore.

