Excited for The New Job? It Could Be Just Like the Last One

The reasons we get into jobs are probably not the same ones that make us leave the job

Ben Mcharo
Mens’ Reading Hub
4 min readApr 16, 2021


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

When the alarm hits you in the morning are you excited or devastated? Do you want to get out of your bed because you can’t wait to get to the office or do you just wish that you had something else to do only with the same paycheck?

Well, the number of people who hate their jobs is increasing daily and if no one is looking into this then at least you are interested and that’s why you are here reading this piece.

I personally have been in and out of several jobs, you know sometimes working is just like dating. It could be so exciting at first and then boom, you hit the flat line the excitement is gone and you want to move on to the next person.

People are made of certain characters, right? That is to say, you can differentiate one from the other and you could say that I like this one and not like that one, by not liking I don’t necessarily mean hating. Have you ever noticed that you can get along with certain people and not with others? Well, if that has happened to you then you should know work is not any different

If we took away the paycheck from your current job, will you still go to work tomorrow? Most of us will probably start looking for another paying job right away. I am not saying that money is not important I am just saying that you need a WHY stronger than just a paycheck.

Why then do some of us enjoy our work while some don’t? why do we hate going to the office every morning when it’s the place that we spend most of our time? Well yes, it is, let’s do the math, shall we? If you are working 9 hours 5 days a week which is the average and you sleep about 8 hours every day let’s assume you only spend an hour in traffic. That is roughly 17 hours and a day has 24 hours only.

So, you basically spend more time at work than in any other place. Do you hate your job or your office? Maybe it's worth considering two things here. Ask yourself this question, would I work somewhere else with the same roles but a better culture? Or would I work at the same place but with different roles?

If your answer to the first question is yes then there is a problem with the culture of your working place. You love your job you just don’t like your working place. Most of the time you don’t have the power to change the culture of your working place so here are my two cents, next time you are looking for a job also take into consideration the workplace/office/institution culture. The following are worth considering;

The Vision Of The Company/Institution

Not the one on paper that is usually done for formality purposes. Ask a question during the interview about the vision of the company, what is the direction that they are heading, and see if they align with what you are looking for. Remember that, for you to better do your job you also need a better working environment

What Is Their Hiring Style?

Some companies hire people for purely professional attributes and some consider personal attributes more than professional. The difference between the two is that one is looking for results and the other growth. So, your choice

What Do They Consider More Important?

In other words, what do they value? The importance of this question is that you will understand if that workplace is a place where you will enjoy working at. How? It's simple if the company doesn’t value its workers’ personal relationships and you want to keep your personal relationships intact then that is not a place for you

There is so much that you need to look into when trying to find the right place for you to work at but allow me to end here today. Thank you for taking an interest in this piece, I feel satisfied as I am writing this knowing that there is a person out there who is going to read this and that person just happened to be you. I hope you enjoyed your read.

Let’s have a chat sometimes and talk about this topic and many more, find me on Instagram at @bennwrites, email me at bensomcharo@gmail.com or WhatsApp me here 0679637831



Ben Mcharo
Mens’ Reading Hub

I have spent years trying to find myself, never knew I was in between the lines and my DNA is in every word I write.