Go and throw your nets for the Fish are awaiting

Expounding the power of who is in the room with you, Lucky and risk-taking

Edson Mhenga
Mens’ Reading Hub
4 min readSep 13, 2021


And Jesus said to Simon “launch out into deep and let down your nets for the catch, but Simon answered and said to him Master we have toiled all the night and caught nothing; never the less at your word I will let down the nets and when they done this, they caught many fishes and their nets were breaking” Mark 5:4–6

Well, we all go through life experiencing different situations, these situations shape our realities and perceptions. Today's article is backed up with a story, yes, a story, my personal story.

A few months ago, I was invited to attend my nephew’s birthday and then I was selected to become a DJ, I played different songs and then I came across the Shusha Nyavu Song by Christina Shusho, ‘Shusha nyavu’ simply means let down your nets. This song made me think, it actually speaks about the above bible verse, I went back home continuing to think about the song. As I kept on listening to the songs and reading the bible verse I managed to pick the following lessons:

The power of who is in the room with you

If you have read think and grow rich, you are familiar with “the Derby’s” story. The Derby and his uncle sold their gold mine for a few hundred dollars because the vein of gold disappeared, they had no idea about the Fault lines after the transaction was completed the new buyer decided to look for the mining engineer and the engineer did some little calculations, and he then said according to the calculations the vein would be found just three feet from where Darby’s had stopped drilling and that’s exactly where it was found, this is what I mean by saying the power of who is in the room with you.

With the little calculation of the mining engineer, the vein was found three feet from where Darby’s stopped drilling. This is the same when Jesus went to Simon and told them to let down their nets for the catch because he knew the three feet principle and with that Simon’s career transformed tremendously,

We all need people in the room who can light up our careers as well as our growth journey, these people can be your mentors, your seniors, your family members, even you and me, but as we continue searching for our purpose it is important to know when to listen to the people/things that will bring positive impacts in our lives and fact sometimes they do not come directly in our lives, so at some point, we should be the ones to initiate the moves since It cost nothing to ask for a bit of advice from a good friend.

Luck (Continuous trials & the right time)

Trials and time move together, most of the time I hear some of my friends say ‘’time will tell” or “everything happens for a reason’’, great success comes with a great deal of effort. The efforts may include learning, hard work etc.,

They say luck is when opportunities meets preparations and I say the right time is when time meets continues struggle or trials, Imagine when Jesus met Simon, at that hour Simon was tired because they worked the whole night and gain nothing, that’s why the moment Jesus told Simon to launch out into deep and let down their nets for the catch, Simon answered by saying Master we have toiled all the night and caught nothing; mind you before opportunity appeared to Simon he was working the whole night,

Most of us young people wait for things to happen without any labour. As we pray for things to happen in our lives we have to continue working hard, working on areas we are passionate about and working to bring an Impact to the planet, talents and hard work will never go unnoticed


You all know what I mean by saying risk-taking, I have been asking myself what if Simon decide to say No to Jesus, it means he would have missed the chance to catch a great number of fish, I am still wondering what made Simon say Yes to Jesus, He told Jesus never the less at your word I will let down the nets.

I come to realize that; Simon was a risk-taker, he thought of how they toiled the whole night without getting any fish but that did not stop him from taking another chance, he threw his whole self on the catch and the reward was so great in such a way that the nets could not handle,

I believe we are all people of progress, we all need to go somewhere, we all need to reach our dreams, but if we continue to stay in our comfort zones nothing will grow, taking risks is the first step towards stepping out of the comfort zone if you want to travel start travelling if you want to create contents start creating content and if you think you are a writer then start writing and so on.

Life Is boring when you do the same things over and over again, explore the impossible


I have been doubting myself so many times, I have been asking myself so many hard questions just to keep on finding myself. what I can say is Knowing who are you and what you were meant to be is a hard job, and This being the hardest job should not stop us from finding ourselves,

I would love to learn from you on what strategies you apply to get the right people in your life, how you find your lucky and how you take Risks,

Thank you,

Let’s chat via: mhengaedson@gmail.com

