Mens' Reading Hub
Mens’ Reading Hub
2 min readSep 28, 2021
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You can have multiple talents but not purpose!!!

Talents are the road maps to fulfil your purpose.

The fact is, purpose comes before talent.

Although I can assure you, if you have discovered your talent, you have started serving your purpose.

Singing is not your purpose!

Dancing is not your purpose!

Drawing is not your purpose!

Acting is not your purpose!

Anything that you can categorize as Talent IS NOT PURPOSE!

You can discover your talents but not your purpose!

I have met people who can sing, dance and are great actors. These people are Talented.

But they do not know exactly their purpose, although they have already started to serve it.

Now, what is purpose?

One of the greatest successes of human life is discovering who you’re!!!

Purpose is the message.

Purpose is what you feel deep inside when you draw.

Purpose is your desire for what you want people to feel after hearing you singing or dancing.

Purpose is beyond money.

Mr Philipo Lulale, a life coach and also a great entrepreneur for more than 15 years, has helped more than 200 entrepreneurs globally to start their own business and youth discovering their purpose here is what he said when I asked him what’s your purpose…

“My purpose is to add value on people’s lives and make an impact”

Now, this is the message!!!

The message is always one.

Now through that purpose, he coaches youth, on entrepreneurship skills to add value to their lives.

He writes books and on his website( ) to make an impact on people’s life.

He kept that message into his businesses, trust me, I felt that way when I first used his cashew nuts products.

“Multiple talents with a single message”


First I want to congratulate you! A lot of people have not yet discovered their Talents, you are among the few individuals who are gifted and know that they're gifted.

Here are some deep questions to ask yourself if you have a talent and you don’t know your purpose…

Beyond getting money and famous what makes you keep doing your Talents? (motivation)

What do you want your audience to feel after delivering your talents

a) hope

b) powerful

c) Trusted

Or something beyond these? (write it down)

Answer these two basic questions honestly, you will discover the inner message inside of you that keeps pushing you to your Talents.


Your Purpose was created before you.

Then you were created to fulfil that purpose.

Talents were designed to be a medium to fulfil your purpose.

For more on discovering yourself, kindly reach me through;

WhatsApp +255785409094

Written by Brian Frank - Medium Account here



Mens' Reading Hub
Mens’ Reading Hub

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