How to Take Care of Yourself as a Man

Self-care is about preserving your health and living a stress-free life

Sajjad Choudhury
Men’s Self-Care


Photo by Marius Venter from Pexels

Many lazy weekends would go by where my sister would lay out her skincare products on a rug and then spend the next hour or two applying face masks and serums while relaxing to soothing music.

I’d walk past and wonder what it would feel like to just lay there with no thoughts, no worries, and no stresses. So one day, I asked her if I could join in.

I remember my dad smirking as he saw me later that day, wondering why I had a face mask on. After all, it wasn’t something you’d see men normally doing, right?

But I could tell from his face that he wanted to join in; he just didn’t know how to say it. Reading his facial expression, my sister offered him some of the products, and after applying them, he joined us too.

Whatever awkwardness that was there before quickly vanished, and it looked like he was able to relax for the first time in his life with no worries and no stresses.

It wasn’t until that moment that I realized the face masks, props, and music wasn’t what self-care was about.

It didn’t matter whether you were male or female. Self-care wasn’t thinking about the past or the future; it was about just being…



Sajjad Choudhury
Men’s Self-Care

Product Operations Lead @ Onfido | I create relationship wellbeing content, digital products and run an IG page. Check it out -