Please Don’t Criticize Me For Writing Pandemic Stories

I realize there are a lot of them around, but that is where the world is today and there isn’t anyone for whom the topic hasn’t become personal.

Natalie Frank, Ph.D.
Mental Gecko
Published in
7 min readApr 18, 2020


Source: Pexels

Like many of you, I’ve been writing a lot of COVID-19 related stories over the past several weeks. It’s really hard to think about anything else right now, so given that we generally write about what’s on our minds, it’s not unusual that this is the topic of a good percentage of the stories being written these days.

At the same time, I’ve seen a number of complaints by writers who feel that there is far too much emphasis on this topic, especially on Medium. A common criticism is that there isn’t a balance in terms of topic variety. I do agree that stories that are just rehashed or spun content reporting the same facts that are everywhere you look are a bit annoying. I think we can leave news stories to those who actually report the news.

Yet there are a lot of other stories being told that aren’t just repeating well known facts. Many are personal, such as people discussing what it was like to survive the illness or sharing their grief over the loss of a loved one to the virus.



Natalie Frank, Ph.D.
Mental Gecko

I write about behavioral health & other topics. I’m Managing Editor (Serials, Novellas) for LVP Press. See my other articles: