Should I Erect a Fence over my Backyard Garden or Should My Neighbour Cage His Birds?

A Conundrum in Harmony

Freddie Mboi
Mental Health Advantage
2 min readDec 12, 2023


Give a shoutout to Ben Moreland on Unsplash

I believe that there should be a 'Natural Harmony of Interests among peaceful people.)

As I fight with my neighbour over his chicken feeding on my crops and where his liberty ends -and where mine begins, I still believe that there is a natural harmony of interests hidden among the peaceful, productive people in a just society (And one day we’ll have a just society.)

My argument has been;

His chicken destroy my plants. My plants do not destroy his chicken.

This is a very important argument to remember.

Because right now we’re in some sort of liberty conundrum.

He says I put up a fence over my backyard lot.

I say he should cage his birds.

I think it’s easier for him to cage his birds.

He says I put up a fence over my backyard lot.

Who do you think should win?

Am not a libertarian, but I believe that one person’s individual plans — which may involve getting a job, starting a business, buying a house, keeping chicken, planting a backyard garden... and so on — may conflict with the plans of others.

But something should make many of us change our plans.

We can prosper from the operation of the free market, and there'll be no necessary conflicts between farmers and merchants, chicken keepers and garden enthusiasts.

How can we solve this conundrum like adults?

For one, I’m not erecting a fence, not unless he’s paying for that.



Freddie Mboi
Mental Health Advantage

Digital Traveller | African | I write about Conspirators and Mad Men. Hythlodaeus - ‘talker of nonsense’. X: @thedailyaya, Instagram: @mwongella