3 Extremely Important Things to Remember When Someone Dies

Kristina H
Mental Health and Addictions Community
9 min readApr 26, 2021


Having gone through the loss of a family member this past month, I have taken a few moments to reflect on the effects and trauma that a loss of someone causes, to everyone involved.

The fact that my sister cuddled the box of her 26 year old daughter’s ashes, and found comfort in it, may appear strange to some. In fact, it may even seem morbid, creepy, or just plain weird, when you don’t understand the circumstances behind the death of my niece.

She died by an overdose of a lethal injection of Fentanyl.

My sweet niece had been on the streets, risking her life for close to 2200 days of her short life. She became an addict, for over 6 years, and consequently my sister and her husband were worried sick about her. There were times that my niece went missing, and other times when her face was plastered on Social Media groups, asking for information about her. She was a lost soul, and my sister’s hands were tied. There was no help or guidance that my niece would accept, so over the course of a few long, terrifying, years, my sister and her husband had no choice, but to let go.

At 26, my niece took her final breath in the wee hours of Easter Monday, with addicts at her side. It is a gruesome image, that I…



Kristina H
Mental Health and Addictions Community

Writer of relationships / early childhood and mental health . Poetry and fiction dabbler