5 Things You Must Do To Battle Against Corona

This is what you can do to prep yourself for the second (or third km) wave — mentally.

Mental Health and Addictions Community
5 min readMay 28, 2021


Photo by Nathan Van de Graaf on Unsplash

“Everything that is done in this world is done by hope” — Martin Luther

The one thing knitting us all together, during this state of lockdown resulting from the life-threatening COVID-19 pandemic, is hope. Hope for seeing the ‘light at the end of this ongoing long, dark tunnel’ and praying for a better, renewed world and a stronger sense of community and togetherness.

Whilst some people are experiencing numbness and disbelief at this entire scenario, some are battling anxiety and are more susceptible to contracting the disease. Whichever end of the spectrum you fall on, this is a time for practicing consideration towards everyone; to ensure the safety of as many people as possible, and spreading love, positivity, and support, without losing our own sense of balance amidst all of this turmoil.

Keeping these few reminders in mind will help us to not only develop a stronger mental attitude towards this entire situation, but will also thereby equip us to be better, more efficient, and helpful members of our community.



Nishu Jain
Mental Health and Addictions Community

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