Fighting Your Demons

Mental Health and Addictions Community


Becoming a spiritual warrior

Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash

You’ve got something idling underneath your surface. A quiet rumble that you can’t quite put your finger on. It has no explanation but you know that it’s there. A discord that is the gritty riff of your otherwise harmonious life song. It’s the notion that you’re intrinsically good but there’s something knotted in your core, subconscious or physical, that feels haunted. You, my friend are fighting demons.

This is a borrowed expression that you’ve probably heard before. It’s a concept that says you’re a good person who struggles with your own personal hindrances, faults, habits or fears. But before you start tripping deep into your psyche, spiraling into hating yourself, or reaching for something to numb the discomfort, let me just say this: There’s a better way to fight these demons.

First, let’s start by changing the way we think about your role in this story:

What you feel like: the victim

What you really are: the demon

Okay, you’re not evil, possessed or even ill intended. It’s just that there are two sides to every person. You’re the good guy and the bad guy. You’re the exterior person and the internal person. In the world of astrology this concept can be represented by the Sun and Moon signs. Your Sun sign is who you are in the light, the Moon sign…

