How to Heal Your Narcissist’s Scars by Using Their Savage Skills

Kristina H
Mental Health and Addictions Community
9 min readMar 19, 2021


I had a lengthy meeting with my therapist last week, and we discussed the trauma that narcissistic abusers can cause. She asked me what my coping mechanisms were and I told her about the Grey Rock Method. She asked me for details on what this method entails, and I explained the practice of becoming a dull, grey rock so that you protect your own brightness and energy from the narcissist.

After we spoke about this technique, she said “You are an expert on narcissists!” I think I snorted when she said that, as I am far from what I would classify as an expert. I have just been through the wringer and have done research, a ton of reading, listening to others who have been in mentally abusive relationships, and have been working on my own self healing.

I wish I knew then, what I know now.

My challenge, as I am sure others will agree, is when you are in an emotionally, mentally abusive narcissistic relationship, you are never fully aware of it. You are blinded in the vortex, using all of your energy to please the narc, and cover his tracks. You learn to make excuses for your narc, because it is truly shameful how they make you feel. You try to love and accept…



Kristina H
Mental Health and Addictions Community

Writer of relationships / early childhood and mental health . Poetry and fiction dabbler