Photo by Sammy Williams on Unsplash

Is Being Abused an Addiction?

Why Some Abuse Survivors Feel the Need for Abusive Fixes


Abuse comes in a variety of colors, forms, and afflictions. It can be subtle, aggressive, blatant or questionable. No matter what it looks like, if you feel violated, harmed, harassed, threatened or demeaned by someone else, chances are you are being abused.

The definition of abuse, is the improper or inappropriate usage of treatment of something, often to unfairly gain benefit. There are many branches of the tree of abuse; mental, physical, sexual, financial, injury, maltreatment, cultural, spiritual, and psychological.

If you are raised in an abusive household, or affected by abuse, in any way, as a child, the impact can greatly damage your self esteem, your body, and your thought process. As we mature, it becomes easy to fall into traps of abuse, as sadly, it can become a comfort zone, of sorts. Without the sting of harm, we struggle to survive.

Photo by Jackson Simmer on Unsplash

In the Mind of an Abused Child

I speak to this, not only as someone who has conducted years of research on the brain development in early childhood, but as a survivor…



Kristina H
Mental Health and Addictions Community

Writer of relationships / early childhood and mental health . Poetry and fiction dabbler