Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

The Top 3 Relationship Killers You May Not be Aware of

How to Spot the Red Flags of a Struggling Relationship


Learning through past failed attempts at relationships has taught me so much about what a healthy relationship is built from.

I have been with physical abusers, emotional bullies, control freaks, and narcissists. I have healed, worked through my own bad habits, and dealt with a lot of scars from previous relationship trauma, and am happy to say that I am now in my first HEALTHY relationship, and am in my 50’s.

My fiancé and I are not perfect. Individually we both struggle with our own mental health, our own demons, and our own past shit. Many people would say that we have our own red flags to contend with, yet, we have a crazy healthy partnership. We show each other kindness, value, love and respect. We are attracted to each other on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels, and we know, and use the tools to stay open and honest with one another.

I know that it is a healthy relationship because I am no longer stressed, rolling my eyes, raising an eyebrow, or stifling my emotions every single day. I no longer hide in the bathroom, cursing my partner while I sit on the edge of the tub in tears, wondering how I got into, yet, another toxic partnership. Those days are behind me now.



Kristina H
Mental Health and Addictions Community

Writer of relationships / early childhood and mental health . Poetry and fiction dabbler