The Ultimate Checklist to Identify Anxiety

10 most common symptoms according to the polls

Mental Health and Addictions Community
6 min readOct 29, 2020


Source: Image by the author (designed using Canva)

Hey guys! Hope you’re doing well.

I’m an avid writer on Mental Health & Anxiety, and a lot of times, I have encountered these questions — How can I identify my anxiety? Is there any scale on which I can measure it? What are the symptoms? etc …

So today, I brought you the most objective results that I could find.

This ultimate checklist is curated according to a study conducted by Anxiety United from a poll, in which over 5000 people suffering from anxiety were asked to share their most common physical symptoms of anxiety.

Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action— Walter Anderson

So let’s get started!

#1. HeadAches

Headache happens when the neck and scalp muscles become tense and contract. Shooting pain in the head, Migraines, Pressure, Tension, Stabbing pains, Feeling that your head is going to explode — are the common symptoms of headaches caused due to anxiety.

What to do?

Using a different pillow, maintaining a good posture while reading, practicing back and neck exercises…



Nishu Jain
Mental Health and Addictions Community

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