A Lesson in Personal Value

Mental Health and Wellness
3 min readMar 9, 2016

Have you ever felt insignificant? Or believed you were worthless when you compared yourself to others? Bob Lenz, founder of Life Promotions, spoke to Rawhide guys recently to assure them of their unchanging personal value and worth no matter their challenges.

When an Embarrassing Moment Isn’t Funny

At some speaking engagements, Bob occasionally asks an audience member to share an embarrassing moment. Our guys cringed as he told about a few he’s heard over the years, relating to the discomfort. And we also laughed, finding the humor and ability to laugh at ourselves. Then Bob switched gears and shared an embarrassing moment that wasn’t so funny. When the humiliation goes deep and exposes our shame, our value and worth feels diminished, and we question our significance. He told two versions of the same embarrassing story:

  1. You trip in the hallway, your books go flying, and you fall. Immediately you look around, relieved to find the hallway empty. You laugh at yourself, pick up your books, and carry on.
  2. You trip in the hallway, your books go flying, and you fall. You look back over your shoulder and see a group of students laughing at you. One has his foot stuck out. Quickly, you pick up your books and walk away with your head down, ashamed and humiliated.

The difference is clear: the first scenario ends with harmless, laughable embarrassment. The second scenario ends with shame and degradation.

“You Still Have a Choice”

Have you ever been on the receiving end of a prank meant to humiliate you? Some of our Rawhide guys have at least once or twice. Or have you been part of the group that purposely caused the humiliation? Rawhide guys have been on that side as well. Bob explained that the main reason people put others down is to feel better about themselves. In the long run, it never works, but people keep doing it anyway — adults, adolescents, and children alike. Bob shared some personal stories about degrading others while growing up and the regret he has as an adult. He then implored the guys, “Do what you know is right. God has it written on your heart. You don’t have to let your problems, your pain, or your past take away your choices. You still have a choice.”

Holding Our Personal Value

To illustrate his message of unchanging value, Bob held a $5 bill in his hand; he yelled at it, called it names, hit it, stepped on it, and abandoned it on stage. He asked the guys, “Has it lost its value?” They all agreed, “No!” And he said, “Even when it was verbally abused, physically abused, and neglected, it still had value.” Then, after guaranteeing us of his patriotism, he tore apart the $5 bill. The guys gasped, shocked that he would rip money, but they still agreed that the $5 bill hadn’t lost its value. All it needed was someone to tape it back together–to mend it.

About Bob Lenz

Bob founded Life Promotions, a non-profit organization that spreads hope to individuals under the age of 18. He serves as the President of the organization and speaks at Christian venues as well as public schools. Bob also founded Lifest, an annual 4-day Christian music festival in Oshkosh, Wisconsin and is often featured as a speaker for the event. He never thought he would be a public speaker, but, for over 30 years, he has excelled at inspiring youth across the country and around the world.

Originally published at www.rawhide.org



Mental Health and Wellness

Rawhide is a faith-based, non-profit dedicated to helping troubled youth & families. One of the nations oldest car donation charities | #MentalHealth #CarTips