‘I thought there was no way out. Creativity saved my life’- Inspirational speech by Irish actor and activist John Connors

Marie Duffy
Mental Health Arena
3 min readFeb 18, 2018

“This is a huge moment for me. Seven and a half years ago I was sitting in my house in Darndale in a little box room in the darkness contemplating suicide. That’s no mess. I thought there was no way out. My brother Joe reached out to me and we spoke for hours and he said I needed something. Something to latch onto. Something where I could put this energy into. he suggested acting. I dunno why but it was just a lightbulb moment. I remembered coming out of my first class… and it was like I was walking on a cloud. I just discovered something. This world I never knew existed called creativity. It saved my life, it really did…… Creativity can be a component to heal people.”

I’m a huge fan of the Irish actor and activist John Connors. I have heard him speak out over the years about his Irish traveller background, his community and gives voice to many people who feel disenfranchised by Irish politics and the fragmentation that exists in society today. I think he is a great role model for loads of people. He is trying to break out against all the stereotypes that society is putting on him.

He is extremely proud of his Irish traveller background and of course he should be, but society tells him that he shouldn’t be and that being an Irish traveller is something to be ashamed of. In his recent acceptance speech for ‘Best Actor’ for the film ‘Cardboard Gangsters’ he talks about the fact that he can’t get an agent to represent him or a casting director to look past his traveller background.

He also talks about seven years previously when he was sitting in his room in Dublin contemplating suicide. His credits his brother with reaching out to him and suggesting he try acting as an outlet. Suicide is an huge problem in Ireland, but in the traveling community it is an even bigger problem.

He describes finding acting and a way to release his creativity as being a ‘lightbulb moment’ and credits creativity with saving his life. He believes “Creativity can be a component to heal people.” and I believe he is 100% right.

As someone who is creative I can relate to this. Now acting always scared the life out of me, but writing has been my lifesaver. Being creative through doodling, photography or writing, or whatever it may be, has really empowered me. I know that it does the same for many others. I also feel that many people who are creative are also maybe a little bit more sensitive than people who may not be. I’m not sure if they can be more creative because of this vulnerability or more sensitive because of their creativity.

Connors has been a vocal critic of the government and how their policies are really damaging the most vulnerable people in Irish communities. I really admire him for his work both as an actor and activist for not only his community, but for those in Ireland who feel marginalized in every aspect of society. And by marginalized I include those struggling with their mental health because lets face it when you are really struggling you feel like a complete outsider. Connors dedicated the award to his father who passed away 20 years ago to suicide. As I said suicide in the traveling community is an enormous problem.

I applaud John and his work and I hope more people get to see his video as I think it can speak to anyone out there who is struggling in some way or with some thing, no matter what it is.

We need more people like John Connors in this country. Watch his speech below, and share it as widely as possible.


Originally published at unwindyourmind.wordpress.com on February 18, 2018.

