Quit Worrying About Stupid Shit, Try These Things Instead

Nicholas Hetzler
Mental Health Arena
3 min readFeb 27, 2018

I have severe anxiety…

Its not something I usually talk about. Not because I really care if others know about it, I just don’t like to let it define who I am.

I have the kind of anxiety where it feels like somebody is sitting on my chest and my heart starts beating at what feels like a million miles an hour.

I have to take medication to keep my anxiety under control but it doesn’t completely get rid of it.

It sucks, but I am able to deal with it most of the time

With anxiety comes worrying about everything

Usually the little things set me off…

The things that are not at all important…

Like being late to an appointment

Getting cut off in traffic

A meeting at work that didn’t go well

Someone who leaves negative feedback

You name it, I have worried about it. I’m sure there are others reading this right now that feel the same way.

So whenever I get like this, I have to force myself to calm down.

But how do I do this?

I have different coping mechanisms that allow me to let go of small things so I can focus on the important things.

Now you don’t have to have severe anxiety for the following strategies to work, even if you’re mildly stressed about something, they can help you.

Figure Out What’s Important

The first thing I do is think about the things in my life that are absolutely important: My family, weightlifting, and playing guitar.

Although my family is more important than weightlifting and playing guitar, I need all three to keep me balanced.

Everyone has their thing….find yours.

The next thing I do is think of each of the things that are bothering me and ask myself these questions:

“Does this affect my family?”

“Does this affect my ability to lift?”

“Does this affect my ability to play guitar?”

Although I know the answer to each of these is no already, it helps calm me down and realize that whatever I’m worrying about is not worth my time.

This doesn’t always work for me so sometimes I have to take additional measures.

Clear Your Mind

I lift heavy shit.


You cannot have anxiety about a bad meeting when you have a barbell with heavy weight on your shoulders. Trust me.

Weightlifting is one of those activities for me where I am solely focused in the moment.

Everyone needs to find that thing that frees their mind from whatever else they are stressed about.

Do you enjoy running?

Playing soccer?



Whatever it is, make sure you take time out of your schedule to make time for those activities that shut the world off around you.


The last thing that helps me cope with anxiety is the most simple of all…

Just fucking breathe.

No shit, right?

Well it sounds ridiculous but sometimes its all I need to get my head right.

Taking deep and deliberate breaths can make my heart stop racing and allow me to clear my thoughts.

Seriously, try it the next time you are stressed.

This is not an exhaustive list of coping strategies but I am able to calm down 98% of the time by doing either one or a combination of them.

So give them a shot or find something else that works for you.

The key is to not let the little things control you, find a way to control them.

The more people talk about dealing with stress and anxiety, the better off we’ll all be.

Leave a comment below and let me know what you do to get rid of your stress and anxiety.


Nicholas Hetzler is a Husband. Father. Entrepreneur. Writer. Trying to learn and grow everyday.

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Nicholas Hetzler
Mental Health Arena

Husband. Father. Entreprenewb. Writer. Musician. Trying to learn and grow everyday.