The 7 Science-Backed Ways Saying F#ck Can Actually Improve Your Life

Nicholas Hetzler
Mental Health Arena
4 min readFeb 27, 2018

If you have read any of my other articles, you will notice that I like to curse….

A lot…

And of all the curse words in the English language,“Fuck” is by far my favorite.

Its an extremely versatile word (If you want a good laugh, watch this video for the many uses of the word.)

It can be used as a noun

It can be used as a verb

It can be used as an adjective

But most important of all, saying f#ck can actually improve your live!

Here are the 7 reasons how:

1) Ouch, That F#cking Hurt!

An experiment performed by Dr. Richard Stephens, a senior lecturer in psychology at Keele University, found that swearing can increase your ability to withstand pain.

So when you stub your toe and yell out your curse word of choice, it might help you tolerate the pain better.

In his experiment, Dr. Stephens asked folks to come up with a word they would yell out if they hit their hand with a hammer. He then asked them to come up with a non-curse word.

Next, he had them submerge their hand in a bucket of ice water for as long as they could tolerate while either repeating the curse word or the non-curse word. He would have them do it again saying the word they didn’t say the previous time and time them again.

Here’s where it gets interesting…

Those who repeated a curse word were able to keep their hand submerged in the ice water for almost 50 percent longer than those who repeated a regular word.

Not only that, swearing also made participants feel like the pain wasn’t as intense. Researchers concluded that swearing had the effect of reducing sensitivity to pain.

“For pain relief, swearing seems to trigger the natural ‘fight or flight’ stress response, as well as increased adrenaline and heart pumping,” Dr. Stephens said. “This leads to stress-induced analgesia — being more tolerant of pain.”

So next time you get hurt, save yourself some pain and just let the four letter words fly!

2) I’m In F#cking Control

Swearing can give us a greater sense of power and control over a bad situation. By swearing we show, if only to ourselves, that we are not passive victims, but rather we are empowered to react and fight back.

This can boost our confidence and self-esteem and also provide the encouragement for further action to be taken.

“When angry, count to four; when very angry, swear.” -Mark Twain

3) I’m F#cking Angry!

Consider this the alternative to resorting to violence.

You are letting someone else know that you are angry and if they continue, things will escalate.

In the animal kingdom, this would be the equivalent to a growl.

Don’t go around growling at anyone….

A simple curse or two should get the point across quite nicely.

4) That’s F#cking Funny

Nothing lightens the mood and lowers stress in a serious situation like dropping an f-bomb.

Living with a high level of stress causes your cortisol level to increase which has a number of health implications such as weight gain, high anxiety, insomnia, and more.

So next time you find yourself in a stressful situation, just take a deep breath and belt out a big f*uck!

I promise you will feel better.

5) You Say F#ck? I Say F#ck Too!

As they say, “birds of a feather flock together.”

Swearing can bring a sense of camaraderie or that we are able to be ourselves and be completely comfortable with a group of friends.

Swearing can also show that we are open, honest, self-deprecating, easygoing, and just plain fun.

My friends and I could make a sailor blush with our language when we get together, but that’s just us being comfortable with each other.

If I am around someone new or someone I am not comfortable with, you would think I never cursed a day in my life.

Of course I know that’s a lie, but they would never know.

6) What A Beautiful F#cking Day

Sometimes we just curse to express ourselves which can improve our mood.

Of course you could say “what a beautiful day” without cursing but the added f#ck lets the other person know just exactly how beautiful of a day you think it is.

So tomorrow morning when you’re walking down the hall at work, smile and give a big “good fucking morning” to the first person you see. I guarantee you will get a smile and probably a good laugh from the other person.

Its a win-win.

7) A F#ck A Day Will Keep The Dr. Away

The health benefits of swearing include increased circulation, elevated endorphins, and an overall sense of calm, control, and well-being.

As with everything else, too much is a bad thing.

You will actually reduce the health benefits by cursing too often. Your sensitivity will decrease which will reduce the increased circulation, elevated endorphins, etc. that you get from only cursing when you really mean it.

So if you want to see the health benefits, try not curse as much.

And when you do, make it really fucking count!


Nicholas Hetzler is a Husband. Father. Entrepreneur. Writer. Trying to learn and grow everyday.

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Nicholas Hetzler
Mental Health Arena

Husband. Father. Entreprenewb. Writer. Musician. Trying to learn and grow everyday.