NaPoWriMo 2024 day 4

The Immigrant Paradox

Embracing the Unwanted Path

Photo by Tom van Hoogstraten on Unsplash

No soul departs their homeland by mere whim,
Nor does one find comfort in lands unknown.

Judged by the shadows of their past,
They cast us all as once they cast themselves.

Believing I arrive with intent to seize,
Mirroring the deeds once done unto us.

Yet my spirit harbors no such dusk,
Only a yearning for brighter days ahead.
I offer the strength of my hands, the keenness of my mind,
In hopes of weaving into the fabric of this new life.

The irony of acceptance wraps around me,
Here, I face the tasks from which others shy away,
Labors they would not stoop to undertake themselves.

The most bitter lesson learned in silence,
With nothing but hope, I, the immigrant,
Surrender to the narratives of the mighty,
Ensnared by the tales they spin.



Antonio Segovia, MD.
Mental Health And Inspiration By Dr. Segovia, M.D

Physician. Media and Journalism specialist. Scientific disclosure. Medicine, Mental Health, Psychology, Inspiration, Philosophy, Culture, Poetry, Books, Sports.