The Power Of Hope: A Poem To Taking Solace In The Moments Of Stress

To cope with an Unrelenting Rollercoaster of Emotions

Image From Canva By Betty Llensa on Pexels

Oh, slag of the earth, you are the criminal of pain
and sorrow tormenting us into a look of nothingness.
Why must we slink around this finite being?
We take refuge in our secret hiding places,
Avoiding breaking free from the claws that hold us down.

We fill our hearts with hurt and untold stories
And seek solace in the silence while
Our fragile minds chip away at our sanity.
When we think we’ve won the war, a new one emerges.
The uphill climb takes us farther from home.

As much as we try to outrun what’s chasing us,
The malefactor is time, and it has no mercy.
Just when we think we’re done with this game,
We find ourselves losing more of our sanity.
We keep climbing and scrabbling around the truth,
Fearing for the worst but hoping for the best.



Antonio Segovia, MD.
Mental Health And Inspiration By Dr. Segovia, M.D

Physician. Media and Journalism specialist. Scientific disclosure. Medicine, Mental Health, Psychology, Inspiration, Philosophy, Culture, Poetry, Books, Sports.