Why Do We Spend More Money During Black Friday and Holiday Shopping?
Neuroscience Insights And How to Harness It
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Every holiday season, I’m reminded of a dark chapter in my family’s history: My father’s compulsive shopping habit affected us all. His behavior escalated during Black Friday and the holidays: He would stockpile useless things, run up enormous debts, and fall into a spiral of anxiety and shame. It wasn’t easy to grasp what was happening or to help him shake free.
Through years of therapy and processing, we discovered that his spending was not just “spending for the sake of spending.” It was guided, in turn, by complex emotional and neurochemical processes that are heightened in the consumer-driven culture we all share.
Today, I want to share this experience, what we’ve learned about influence, and how neuroscience, marketing, and financial education factored into our decision-making and strategies that have helped us navigate the holidays without sacrificing peace of mind.
Why We Spend So Much During the Holidays
To help others the way a doctor treats a patient.