I Started Taking Gummy Vitamins to Improve My Mental Health

It’s not all about physical health

M. R. Prichard
Mental Health Day
5 min readMay 8, 2021


Photo by Sarah Arista on Unsplash

A few months ago I began seeing a new psychiatrist. After our initial intake appointment, she sent me for some lab work. I have a history of hypothyroidism — which affects my hormone balance and can influence my mood — so we wanted to make sure everything looked good before changing any of my meds. We also agreed to check some of my general vitals like B12 and Vitamin D.

Unsurprisingly given my work-from-home and relatively couch potato lifestyle, I was extremely deficient in Vitamin D. She suggested a prescription that I would take once a week, but I asked if I could try over the counter supplements first and redo my blood work in a few weeks.

I wasn’t really expecting anything to come of it, honestly. I had never really taken any daily vitamins before. Would there even be a noticeable difference? While there are obviously physical health benefits to taking vitamins, I wanted to see if there would be any improvement to my mental wellbeing.

I started taking 2000 units of Vitamin D and five grams of fiber to help with my digestion. It’s been about six weeks since I started taking these supplements on a regular basis, and here is what I’ve noticed.

My mood is elevated

Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

Along with these supplements, I also began taking a new anti-depressant around the same time. I couldn’t quite tell if the difference in my mood was due to the newly introduced serotonin or the Vitamin D.

I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s probably a mix of both, and without both I doubt my mood would be as stable as it currently is.

My days are far more even than they were prior to taking Vitamin D. I used to have more bad days than good or “okay” days. My mood is far more even since starting to take the vitamins.

In the past week alone, I’ve been very level in my mood with very minimal low or high swings. I took note of how I felt each day, and every day my mood was between 6 and 7 on a scale of 10. I know that doesn’t seem all that high, but compared to how I was feeling prior to taking vitamin D (under 4 most days), it’s a huge improvement.

When it comes to depression, any improvement is progress and I will absolutely take this as a win.

I have a regular bathroom schedule

Photo by Ian Naranjo on Unsplash

This may be a little TMI, but I am actually on a regular schedule for the first time in my whole life.

I used to be super irregular; often going two or three days without going. I was regularly constipated OR diarrheal. There was never an in between.

For the first time ever I feel normal. I have fewer stomach aches, I feel less bloated, and my trips to the bathroom are quicker.

While this is absolutely a bonus for my physical health, it’s been useful for improving my mental health because I’m less anxious about feeling unwell or needing to take a break from work to use the restroom.

In addition to feeling regular, I’ve noticed a few other small improvements. I’ve lost a small amount of weight without really trying to. I’m not saying I dropped a whole pants size overnight, but I have lost a couple pounds over the last few weeks without actively trying to lose it. I haven’t changed my eating habits but I have lost around five pounds so far. Nothing major, but still noteworthy.

I have also had fewer blood sugar drops. While I do not have diabetes, I do occasionally notice my blood sugar drop throughout the day. I’ll get very lightheaded, nauseous, and dizzy. I can’t remember it happening at all over the last month when it used to happen on average once every ten days or so.

Less fatigued on a daily basis

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

I’m not a particularly active person. The closest I’ve ever gotten to a regular work out routine was a Black Friday deal I got for four weeks at a kickboxing gym at the beginning of last year.

Regardless, I spend most of my time feeling generally fatigued. I’m tired a lot; I’m a big fan of naps. I am prone to headaches, I have muscle aches, and I have a hard time getting comfortable at bed time.

Ever since taking Vitamin D, I physically feel more awake. My body hurts way, way less. I don’t feel like I have to take a nap in order to get through the day. I can make it through with only one cup of coffee in the morning. I feel better.

Furthermore, I am having less trouble getting up each morning. I won’t say my sleep habits are better, but even with insomnia I’m able to wake up a lot easier than ever before. I feel more awake once I get up too; I feel productive and genuinely want to get up and get stuff done.

I am not a medical professional by any means, all I know is that how I’ve been feeling lately is miles above how I’ve felt in the past 25 years. I’ve been considering abandoning the individual vitamins and opting for a women’s health multivitamin, but I do enjoy eating fruity gummies first thing in the morning.



M. R. Prichard
Mental Health Day

I’m not confused, I’m just not paying attention. B.S. in English composition, burgeoning gamer girl, and mental health advocate.