So You Want to Take a Mental Health Day?

Submission guidelines for this pub — Updated 10/2021

M. R. Prichard
Mental Health Day


Created by author using Instagram

Greetings! Welcome to Mental Health Day. I’m so glad you’re here and interested in helping me create a meaningful mental health publication.

What we publish

Mental Health Day is dedicated to giving people a voice when they need it. Sometimes we all need to vent about something bothering us, do a little deep-dive into our disorders, or talk about something new we learned in therapy. Here’s a general idea of what we’re looking for:

  • Personal essays about your own experiences
  • Creative approaches to studying topics pertaining to mental health, DSM-5 criteria, etc
  • Advice you may have for someone in the same boat as you
  • Anything else that could be relevant to the topic of mental health, illness, etc

Please do not spread misinformation on this page. If your submission includes anything that could be construed as harmful rather than helpful to our readers, it will be rejected.

Submission rules

Stories published here are owned by the author but should still follow Medium’s Rules, Ad-Free Policy, Content Guidelines, and Curation Guidelines. Stories…



M. R. Prichard
Mental Health Day

I’m not confused, I’m just not paying attention. B.S. in English composition, burgeoning gamer girl, and mental health advocate.