Hi from Scott (Employee №2)

Hi there!

Scott Piggott
3 min readAug 22, 2017


I’m Scott. You probably haven’t heard or seen of me yet (there is a reason for that) but I am officially the new member of Sanctus (employee number 2) and I am ‘buzzing’ to be here!

I have actually been at Sanctus on and off for a few weeks but as of yesterday, I have technically had my first official day on the job!

This is me (I am from a slightly younger generation that just adores the stupidity and irony of dabbing, please don’t hate me for it — it’s a problem I have):

Well, why are you here?

Basically, I am in charge of producing and expanding the content side of Sanctus. In short, I’m making a whole range of videos for the team and trying to get it out there. Sanctus is a brand that more people should know about and I am determined to make their voice heard.

I am a filmmaker at heart though — it’s what I want to be (you have permission to sigh) — but Sanctus is my first long-term challenge (potentially very long if they don’t get sick of me dabbing) and I’m super happy to be here.

Hopefully you’re going to see Sanctus doing a lot of new and different stuff online — so keep an eye on it, give them a like, a follow, a share, a comment — all of it!

Why Sanctus?

I think, like a lot of people, Sanctus resonates with me for a whole bunch of issues and it has those missions and values that just keep you nodding in agreement for hours.

But personally, I’ve gone through a lot of tragedy in my life and it’s certainly left it’s mark. Around 10 years ago, I sadly lost my 9 month pregnant mother and my two little brothers in a horrific car accident and it was a huge test on my mental health — as you imagine it would be.

More recently, I lost my grandmother which was a whole new challenge whilst also bringing up a lot of issues I never dealt with. It was tough and still is but it opened my eyes to the fact that people aren’t dealing with their issues and exercising their mental health now because there is a hugely damaging stigma surrounding everything mental health related.

It annoys me that focusing and worrying about mental health is deemed as ‘liberal’ by so many people when in fact it’s just logical.

The reason Sanctus was the first employment opportunity that made me stand up in excitement as I actually envisaged myself working for them and being passionate about it was because I want to be part of a team that is actively changing the stigma. All whilst being creative and with the freedom to be different.

How could you not want that?

Check out the stuff me and James are making, drop us an email at scott@sanctus.io if you have any feedback, opinions, ideas or just want to say hi — I won’t bite. But I will dab.

