Kevin French

Sanctus Coaching Profile



What would you like people to know about you?

When I’m not working I like to make time for solitude and nature, which helps me to recharge. You can often find me on a yoga mat, reading a book or at the gym. I have travelled to 67 countries in the world. I love going to live music gigs. I passionately support Charlton Athletic football club.

What’s your mental health journey?

My mental health journey started a few years ago. As I climbed the career ladder I began to lose a sense of who I was. I took a 12 month sabbatical and travelled 26 countries in 12 months, trying to ‘find myself’. When I returned, I still felt this disconnect. I relocated to London in search of the next shiny bright thing. ‘Work hard, play hard’, that was my new motto. The person I was being at work didn’t reflect my values and I’d lost my sense of purpose, at the same time I was battling with my sexuality, and the pace of London life was swallowing me up. I woke up one day and decided enough was enough. Reflecting back now, I had been neglecting my mental health for years, and it took a moment of desperation for me to open up about my inner struggles. The rest, as they say, is history.

What would you like people to know about your coaching?

I coach from my heart, and am highly intuitive. My core strengths are my humility and playfulness. I am skilled at surfacing the invisibles, and holding the space from a place of love and empathy. I’m passionate about living my truth and finding truth in others. Courage and authenticity are at the heart of my coaching.

What else would you like to say while you’re here?

I love cooking curries, and collecting curry recipes from around the world. I am an INFP. My archetype is Prince Oberyn (Game of Thrones). I am committed to getting my first tattoo. And a dog. I’ve lived in the world’s largest co-living space. I have an interest in Japanese culture.



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