New Home

Today is my first day back in the office with my best mate and once again co-founder.

3 min readJan 6, 2017


5 years ago James and I started our first business together back in Uni.

Above are photos of us in our student house; bottom right is us celebrating being accepted onto Ignite in the kitchen back in 2012.

As many of you know, for the last 12 months I’ve been working for Ignite as Programme Director and Entrepreneur-in-Residence in Manchester.

I launched Ignite in Manchester and ran Ignite Manchester’s first accelerator programme.

I got the chance to work alongside Flossie Hunt, now Programme Director in Manchester, who is one to watch and now a great friend.

I worked with investors that were genuine and cared and together we got to invest in some brilliant people, some of who I know are going to go on to do big things.

I worked with Tristan Watson who I have to thank for giving me the opportunity. Ignite invested in our first business 5 years ago and believed in me and James from the beginning. Tristan has always backed me and believed in me and is an absolute legend.

I also fell in love with Manchester and with some of the people and I know I will settle down there one day, hopefully with a big house and a dog; Bernie :)

But now I’ve got a new home …

I’m writing this from London in our new office in Shoreditch (We’re on the Adventures floor at ustwo)

James started Sanctus last year and I’ve been on the journey with him from the start.

What started as a blog post has become a business helping people improve their Mental Health and its something both me and James are really passionate about.

So we’re on a mission to change perceptions of mental health and make it a part of everyday conversation. We see a world where people treat their mental health like they do their physical health.

To everyone that has helped us get to this point, this post is really to say thank you. We’re only just getting started.

And now you’re on the journey with us …


