Sanctus | Ignite

Excited to announce our partnership with Ignite ❤

2 min readJan 25, 2017


As many of you know, Ignite is a company that has played a big part in both mine and James’s life, so we are delighted to announce that we are working with the team this year.

Last year, Ignite pioneered the Wellbeing Retreat and became the first tech accelerator in Europe to include one as part of the programme.

Ignite support founders as an early-stage investor but the financial support is just the fuel. Mental wellbeing is as important as anything when it comes to the support the accelerator offers and Ignite understand how critical a founder’s wellbeing is to the success of any company.

There’s few places more stressful and pressurised than in the shoes of a start-up founder. With investors putting thousands of £££s of faith in you, customers expecting high standards, and employees looking to you for direction day-in day-out, being a founder can at times be a very lonely place.

The retreat last year was a huge success, with national press and amazing testimonials from the founders on the programme.

Almost a year on, and we’re excited to announce we’ll be working with Ignite on this year’s Manchester accelerator to make founder wellbeing a core element of the programme.

We’ll be running our first workshop next week alongside a Sanctus session ran by a Sanctus coach for all founders on the cohort.

The workshop is an introduction to mental health and wellbeing for the founders. We feel its our duty to pay back what we’ve learned and educate founders who are in the earliest stages of their venture on what its really like in the trenches.

Through all the noise of techcrunch’s ‘million dollar funding rounds’ and ‘billion dollar exits’, we need to talk about the reality of the day to day trench work of running a start-up that affects the mental wellbeing of thousands of entrepreneurs every year.

Its something me and James are seriously passionate about and we can’t wait to get started.

George & James x

