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I’m really good at the moment, but have been in dark places in the past. Giving some thought to sharing, but not sure at present. It doesn’t seem like it I know, but you can become stronger through the suffering. Your mind is a wonderful thing which can be embraced.
Sometimes we just need to accept, understand and be understood. Easier said than done I know. I feel fortunate, but I created the luck by managing to speak out and ask for help. To those suffering, please don’t be afraid to ask for help or guidance. To those who may not understand, please just listen and you may learn something to your advantage as well as help those who need to be heard.
I’m happy, have a great family and friends so why do I feel anxious every morning and a little low? (I’m retired so I don’t have work to worry about). It’s not as easy as people think the transition from work to retirement, you have to wind down slowly and build up your interests and hobbies. I just accept the anxiety, why shouldn’t I? As long as it’s manageable, which it is after a cuppa, a potter and a read. If you can wake up with a few physical aches and pains as you get older and accept it then a little anxiety is acceptable too.
Good. I’m lucky enough to be someone who finds it easy to talk about how I feel but I understand not everybody is the same. This can be an odd conflict as it isn’t just their own mental health they don’t want to discuss, it’s everybody’s. So i think you have to be careful not to force it onto people. Everything for me personally is in a good place and I’m starting to feel like all the pieces are clicking together at the right time. Looking forward not backwards seems to help.
I’m getting more and more use to the new situation that started a bit more than two years ago when my daughter was born. Things changed and seem to stay like this permanently. That’s good.
Since my son was born the changes alone time has almost disappeared. It can be a challenge, but the reward he provides is way bigger than the sacrifice over a former “free” life that’s gone.
Figuring out how to transform into the person I want to be is harder than I thought and the lack of me time is not helping the cause.
I’m about to move to Usa, It’s both a great and complex challenge for my couple life.
I’m ok and I’m glad I can say that as opposed to pretending everything is fantastic.
I’m getting to know myself again as well as appreciating who I really am aswell as becoming a it more comfortable with just ‘being me’. It takes time but I’m getting there.
I know that there will always be parts of me that I can’t share for various reasons and I’m coming to accept that struggle to.
There was a time where opening my eyes to the new day was difficult, the sinking feeling where I did not want the day to start. Now I wake up and there’s a spring in my step, my alarm sounds and I’m up, ready to face the challenges, opportunities and my self head on.
I am hugely avoiding telling people I don’t have time. I’m contacted for a lot of advice and whilst I want to help, sometimes it’s just to overwhelming and people aren’t hugely considerate with regards to trying to understand my work load and personal life. I just need to accept I can’t make everyone happy and there will be people who don’t like me…that’s life.
I have been working three years in IT recruitment now. I never thought I would end up here and the only reason I moved to London was to be with my long term partner. Now we have separated, I have just started a new job and I am wondering if I am really passionate enough to make this job work for me.
I always seem to use the money I have so I feel I am never making any progress and the nature of my work means I am always looking at the next month and wondering where the money will come from. Everything seems to be getting on top of me and I need time I don’t have to reflect and regroup.
What’s going well? I’m in a stronger place mentally than I have ever been. Meditation has created an amazing foundation to work on. From the mind, body seems to fall in place. Almost everything feels enjoyable.
One challenge is the unknown, I have just left my startup and I am spending 6 months trying to not focus on business and to see if a problem occurs naturally that I want to solve. I think that’s a more natural way to start a business.
The not knowing is creating a lot of anxiety though and it’s hard to fight the battle of thinking I am wasting my time…
I am happy
I am scared that this will end
My job has been going really well. I’ve been a website admin now since May this year. My boss has been fantastic, she is a long time family friend and has helped me overcome some personal struggles. She constantly pushes me to try and better myself and learn new things about this job and field of work.
I can’t enjoy things in life anymore. Ever since I lost my dad suddenly in January I feel guilty about everything that I do, from smiling to laughing I just can’t do it anymore. My dad was someone who always managed to make me laugh so maybe that’s why but I just feel like I haven’t achieved as much as he did so I feel guilty for still being here when he isn’t.
Going Well: I have gotten married and bought a house this year, and I have finally passed my driving test too — all before my 25th birthday.
Challenge: I am struggling to move forward in my professional life / career as the job I am in is so all-consuming and stressful (no off switch, working weekends) I don’t have head space to properly work on my own plans, or even find time to train and develop further! If I don’t work 24/7 on the day-job, I might lose it (due to the company collapsing) but if I don’t try and find time to think and develop, I may never get to make the transition and follow up dreams!
I am well respected by my colleagues and my peers
Partnerships, it’s encouraging to say the least that people just get the mission they get what we are about and building partnerships with different stakeholders seems to be easier than I ever imagined. It’s literally a case of saying ‘ hey ‘.
Balancing my heart between my children and work. As a single mum of two I need to accept that motherhood is me working a providing for the kids and for the long term providing them with security. It’s just hard sometimes missing milestones.
I’m feeling tired. I feel as though I am stretching myself too thinly by trying to please everyone and ending up pleasing no body. I keep having to remind myself that I have made 2 massive accomplishments this year, landing my dream job and buying a flat. I am grateful for my family and friends who have supported me in doing this. A challenge I am facing is dealing with the fact I will never please everyone. I need to make decsions, stick to them and be able to look myself in the mirror at the end of the day and know I made the best decision I could based on the information I had available and how I was feeling at that time.
Just had a commitment from a great investor (pre-seed, super early), and have seen some promising early results.. at the same time, i’m still not entirely convinced that i’m doing the right thing.. i’ve kind of just been letting things happen around me for the past month, and am at risk of going into a new venture that my hearts not in.
I’m otherwise in the best place i’ve ever been.. i got married a month ago and have an amazing wife.. we’re walking a thin line financially, but that’s never been a problem (we’re both in tech & heavily weighted towards equity/future earnings). BUT We’re now talking about having kids in 2–3 years, and that’s only compressing the above feelings… do I have 2–3 years to “make it” before family life starts to play a larger role?
Feeling a bit flat this morning and just straight up forgot about a meeting with someone I know is really busy, who I really wanted to chat to.. need to sleep better and get a new gym membership asap, get back into winter fitness mode.
Work seems to be picking up again, after a low patch (which I did not use as wisely as I could) and we are settling into our new flat. Having my own desk (rather than the dining room table) has made a real difference to how I feel about my work.
One challenge … I could be boring and say the ongoing one of time management or I could be honest and say my mother. I visited her last week and she is clearly frailer than the last time I saw her. I know I have been neglecting her but caring for my husband and myself takes up all my energy; I do not have the resources to look after somebody else while getting so little support myself. And, seeing as she refuses to acknowledge that I am suffering from mental ill health and insists that all my problems would go away if I left my husband, I am not going to get much support from her. (I hope it is OK to mention non-work related stuff here.)
After a bruising and only partly successful two years of entrepreneurship, I’ve returned to uni to do a masters degree… An investment in pleasure, pure and simple. I expect nothing commercial or financial to cone out of it (it’s a theology degree… Go figure how to monetise that!). I’m loving it. Just as many highs as entrepreneurship, but fewer lows. Plus, I’ve discovered Australian Masterchef on cable tv. It’s like British master chef, but without the cynicism or criticism that do typifies Britain’s ‘say-yes-we-can, but-mean-no-we-can’t’ culture.
Finding this is probably a big win for me today. I’ve been following Sanctus for a while and debating whether to pop along. It was only yesterday I was thinking I wish I could write a diary but it was anonymous and people wouldn’t find it. I think I just found that place.
A challenge — I’m having some big relationship problems at the moment, 7 years into what I thought was my future husband, I’ve met another person who’s totally thrown me. I’ve been debating to go back and see my counsellor who I saw last year for mild anxiety. What I find hard about mental health is trying to ascertain what the ‘right’ thing is to do when it comes to big decisions in life. It can be exhausting. Sometimes you just need that space and a place to explore the thoughts in your head without ideals or judgement.
I feel like I’m learning to deal with my anxiety and depression. It’s not gone and I’m far away from what I used to feel like long time ago but I’m learning to understand and accept it. Working with my therapist seems to be helping — I think we’ll keep on working going forward.
My challenge right now is helping the company to get to the next level of awesomeness :) It’s not all fun and games — dreaming and strategising is one thing, having difficult conversations and making hard decisions is harder.
There are little nuggets of opportunity
No one wants the product we’re offering and time is running out!